The Mission

Cheers to twenty-three years on this beautiful planet. Living near the Great Lakes is truly a treasure! However, this special freshwater ecosystem is in immense danger. It is in danger from everything under the sun, and it requires our help to protect it. Pollution, invasive species, pipelines, high algae blooms, untreated stormwater runoff, and so much more. This site’s mission is to provide the public with an up to date timeline of vital news so they can stay educated about environmental hazards near the Great Lakes Region. Everyone in the region cares about our freshwater in some sort of way. Increasing education about the Great Lakes and how important this resource is to our region and the great state of Michigan. If residents and tourists become more conscious about what role, they play in the health of the ecosystem big changes can be made.

This mission is about education and public outreach, however; it is also to help clarify the way we view freshwater. It is not just there for recreational use it is there for our survival. The freshwater in this region will need to be preserved for the health and survival of many states in the United States. Not only do the Great Lakes support millions of Americans and Canadians source of safe drinking water but the lakes are one of the main drivers for the economy in many bordering states.

Growing up near the largest freshwater ecosystem in the world curated my love for the water. This is why I embarked on an academic mission to protect this special freshwater ecosystem I call home. Join me in clarifying the way we view our precious freshwater and redefining what this resource means to our survival and the generations that come after us.

Clarify Your World,

C. Estelle Wellman